Dear Supporters, Friends, and, Family,
It has been a while since I’ve given a written update on the ministry. My goal is at least two or three newsletters a year. God has been good to us in 2021 so let me give you a summary of God at work for White Cloud, MI, and beyond. We have a new website. I’m not tech-savvy so, if someone would like to serve as our Webmaster, we would love that. Here is the link to check it out.
Winter ministry
We had a great 1 Day Children’s Mid- Winter Snow Camp. With current events taking place in ministry and business as Christians you put up the money and pray for extra blessings and that the events happen without disruptions. God answered prayer as this was the 2nd year and we had 6 Snow Campers. You can see pictures of the camp on our Facebook page The Youth Center Of White Cloud INC | Facebook. When we are not doing special events at the Youth Center, we have our 5-day Format Word Of Life Local Church Ministries routine. Every day we do the Word Of Life Quiet Time Diary where the students are taught to study the Word of God for themselves. This ministry tool daily is evangelizing the student or disciplining them. Then each day we focus on each area that most Bible Clubs including Awana have to do all in one night. So, Monday - prayer time, Tuesday-lesson taught, Wednesday- we pledge to the American Flag at the Youth Center we respect and are thankful to the US Military for keeping us safe so, we respect the US Flag. The other flags such as the Christian Flag if the children get the wiggles, we give grace there. Wednesday, once a month we do a Service Project. It is amazing to see self-centeredness go away after a service project is complete, Thursday- we review the lesson from Tuesday and have Praise and, Worship time. Friday is Scripture and Personal Training Time. This is where we talk over the lesson we reviewed on Thursday. Then also we have Memory Time. I was excited to see the students learn the Word of God and some had to work harder than others. We marked 17 years of ministry on January 8th of this year.
Spring Ministry
We are praising God that our Spring Break Carnival went amazing. The local businesses support the Youth Center 100%. The Spring Break Carnival is a pre-Evangelistic ministry-business promotion 5-day event Monday- Friday of Spring Break for Newaygo County, MI. The goal is to invite Pastors and Lay Leaders from the local churches to come and have conversations that would invite the unchurch to their church. If the conversation leads to a profession of faith even better. With that said we had 8 to 10 children come daily to the carnival. There were those who came one or two days while others came back for more, all 5 days. Each day had a new theme with a matching menu. I do have an Elementary Education Degree from Liberty University Online and for 5 years I did intern under the White Cloud, MI Public School teachers. My helping with their class parties is why the Spring Break Carnival happens around Spring Break. Two out of the 5 themes we have is All-American and Fiesta. Each day we have prize giveaways. Word of Life Fellowship Inc. 100% backs the ministry. We are an official Word Of Life Local Church Ministries Bible Club for the 3rd year in a row. Word of Life Local Church Ministries has been by the Youth Center ministry from day one. Not only are we a Word Of Life Bible Club Subscriber as an Olympian Club for children ages 6-12 years old. Also, we are a member of Association Christian Schools International. So, if churches can sign Word Of Life’s /The Youth Center Of White Cloud Inc.’s Statement of Faith if they can sign ACSI’s Statement of Faith we can have them as volunteers. Here is Word Of Life Fellowship Inc.’s Statement of Faith: Statement-of-Faith-Standard-of-Conduct-2018-final.pdf ( and Association Christian Schools International Statement of Faith: Statement of Faith | ACSI. Due to a lack of funds, my church Aetna Calvary had to drop the Youth Center ministry. The good news is because I’m a member of the church we can work side by side to advance the gospel, their Bible Club Son Shine Kids is a compact version of Word Of Life Local Church Ministries. With that said We have been hurting for funds due to another club ministry spreading lies about us because we will not drop Word Of Life Local Church Ministries and use theirs. They are implying we do not care about the gospel. In 2014 I stopped Subbing in the schools so I could give more time to the Youth Center. We are a 501©3 so all donations over $5 are tax-deductible. With that said a church has picked us up for support, The Church At White Cloud. We are thankful for their partnership in the ministry. Also, the community of White Cloud, MI are 100% behind us and all we do for the community churches including business even Walmart. Walmart has us Tax Exempt even before we had our 501©3. We are now also a member of Small Business Association Michigan.
Summer Ministry-Day Camp
We had Day Camp every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 PM-5 PM. We had only one day campers did not show because it was the 4th of July coming up. The rest of the weeks when the Youth Center Doors were open, we had campers. I was blessed to work two weeks with my niece Hannah Grace and, two nephews Luke and, Joshua from Atlanta GA. Luke was the Camp Speaker 3 out of the 4 days. Joshua was over the games. HannahGrace worked with the girl campers. On the end of July, our whole family was together so Andrew the youngest of my sister Grace and husband Dan Johansen was able to go to Day Camp with his cousin Kaden who is the oldest of my sister Rachel and her husband Mark Behr. Then two weeks later with my sister Grace and her family, we went to Harbor Spring for vacation.
On the end of August, we started back up our School Year Bible Club. We follow White Cloud Public School’s calendar. It is going great. This year the students have been coming in and independently doing their Quiet Time. On Sep. 11Th I was able to attend the Word Of Life Local Church Ministries Conference It was great to fellowship with other churches. Please be in prayer as we have our last event for the year the Children’s Royal Ball. My Grandpa 4 generations back was the first Chinese Ambassador to Europe from the Qing Dynasty. He mocked Jesus but, many others in my family on my mother’s side the Chien/Chen and Hsieh/Sieh love Jesus. Some are Pastors and Missionaries. On the 29th of this month, we are going to have some fun with the children. As the Royal Ball is a 4-course meal served systematically. Pray that God will be honored, and all will run smoothly. I do dress up, even wear a sash. We do share how Jesus has power over death and we have the event before Halloween as we do not celebrate that day. Each child will receive a gift bag with candy, novelty toys, and Club House or Club House Jr. given by Focus on the Family. Word Of Life has given Olympian Sunglasses and water bottles. Two weeks ago, I was able to present the ministry at a church in White Cloud, MI. Many teachers current and former attend there. It went great. I am starting to heal more from my Hate Crime injuries giving me more opportunities to share the ministry. Thank you, for your prayer support and financial support.
Educating Kids for Christ, Deb R. Frisbey serving since 2004-present Zach 4:6